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Thursday, 5 December 2013

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Watch 'les comptines', 'les crocodiles' on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1T9b0cax6s4 

Any questions? Let me know!
Aujourd'hui, il fait froid. Today it is cold.

oh shoor dwee , eel fay fwa.

Hier, il a fait froid. Yesterday it was cold.

ee er, eel a fay fwa.

C'est l'hiver. It's winter.

seh lee ver

Monday, 14 October 2013

Monday, 14th October 2013

lundi, le quatorze octobre deux mille treize

You can pronounce the date as

lan dee, lih kat orz oct ob rih dih meel trez

Aujourd'hui  today

We like coffee.

Nous aimons le café.

nooz emm on lih kaff ay

Sunday, 13 October 2013


Today's lesson 13/10/13
Lesson 1

Things can be masculine or feminine in French. This means you say

le café                                  the coffee


la bière                                the beer

You pronounce them as lih kaff ay
and                               lah bee err

J'aime le café et la bière.

 I like coffee and beer           (though not together, I should add)
You pronounce this as:         shem lih kaff ay ay lah bee er

It could also mean 'I like the coffee and the beer' if you are looking at two cups on a table. The first translation ' I like coffee and beer' is because French uses the word 'the' to generalise about ideas.

Try saying the sentence aloud. There'll be more tomorrow!